Get with the time, leave outdated forum software behind.

A beautiful forum platform for steam communities.

Create your own forum in less than 60 seconds, free of charge.

Create Your Free Forum

No webhost needed

Don't be bothered with setting up databases, remembering administrator passwords, wasting money on webhosting or installing old outdated plugins.

In game integration

Integrate your gameserver into your forum with a shop and a banlist for your players to use.

High performance

Our platform is built to handle many connections, use that to your advantage. We aim to keep page loads quick and downtime minimal.


Allowing us to maintain the code base gives you instant fixes and frequent expansions.

If you run a game community that uses any steam game then Mistforums is the specialized platform for you.

Featured Communities

Look who uses Mistforums
garrysmod forum
Garrys Mod forums
rust forum
Rust forums
counter strike forum
Counter Strike forums
team fortress forum
Team Fortress forums